Seeds of Caring: 3 ways to spark acts of kindness for kids

If you’re a parent, you likely feel the same weight that I do of making sure that our little people turn in to amazing, kind, capable adults. We want them to be the kids that notice when someone is left out on the playground, the ones that ask “are you okay?”, the ones that say “come on over, play with us”, and the ones that feel compelled to act when they see someone being bullied.

Have you heard of Seeds of Caring? They are a non-profit based here in Columbus (and expanding beyond as I write) with the goal of creating a future with more kindness, more empathy and more inclusiveness. Through their diverse programming they create volunteer opportunities for kids that empower them to make a real difference through service, social action and community-building projects.

Simply put: they are creating kinder kids.

I’ve been lucky enough to work with them for a few years now providing photography and capturing the essence of who they are and how they are transforming the youngest among us. Seeds of Caring offers tons of programs that can be done in person or at your home. Their projects involve a learning component as well some type of physical action, generally a project that focuses on giving back.

Here are three Seeds of Caring projects that I can personally recommend and have done with my own children…

  1. Creating sack lunches for local homeless shelters.

  2. Tunes and Togetherness: a musical celebration connecting kids with seniors.

  3. In person events like the MLK Day of Service at the Ohio History Center.

    (Check out my photos below!)

In my opinion, Seeds of Caring is one of the most beautiful local non-profit gems, and an amazing way to get kids involved in our community. I hope you check them out… maybe I’ll see you at an event!


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