You have a story to share.

I’ll help connect you with your people through photos.

Columbus Ohio Brand Photographer

Your business.
Your heart and soul.
Your story.

Running a business is no joke.

It's our vision, our sweat, our soul - all bundled for the world to see. You've already done the hard part. I'll help you show your work to the people you want to connect with.

Over the years a lot of small business owners have come to me asking for headshots. But the reality is, they needed more… a bucket of social media images, web photography, product close ups, personality shots. I create images filled with personality and oozing with story. I like to think ahead for you and give you options that work for you. And I'm a connector at heart, so I love to help connect you with other resources to increase your brand success.

From basic to BAM. Let's take your story to the next level with images that wow and connect with your audience.

  • Unique headshots oozing with your personality.

  • Loads of social media and web content to pull from.

  • Images rooted in your story that won't be confused with stock photos.

  • Built in follow up sessions to make sure content stays fresh and up-to-date.